Ion Exchange and Electrolytic Recovery of precious, contaminant, & regulated metals from rinse water and for process bath purification. “Targeted metals removal by ion exchange and electrolytic recovery”
For selective metals removal from rinses for compliance with discharge limits or contaminant removal from plating & anodizing baths, Water Innovations-built scavenging ion exchange (IX) systems are custom-engineered for targeted removal of precious or contaminant metals depending upon the application.
The Complete Ion Exchange – Metal Scavenger (CIX-MS) utilizing Kinetico’s regeneration control valve is designed for rinsewater flows
Our IX systems for trivalent or hexavalent chrome plating and anodizing baths are customized with different IX resins for targeted removal of iron, aluminum, & other metal contaminants to purify for consistent performance and extend bath life as an alternative to decanting and periodic dumping.
All Water Innovation-built scavenging IX systems are automated with a programmable automation controller (PAC) and Human Machine Interface (HMI) using a color touch screen for high-quality performance and efficient operation.
We also offer Precious Metals Processing Consultants (PMPC), Ionnet™ and Gold Bug® electrolytic recovery systems for recovery of gold among other precious metals from process baths & rinses as well as for wastewater treatment applications for electroless copper and cadmium-cyanide baths and rinses.

We’re proud to partner with PMPC for their cutting-edge gold bug® and Ionnet™ electrolytic units in combinations with our IX scavenging for the highest-possible metals removal and recovery.
Request a quote on line, call 760-294-1888 or email