As seen in: 
Finishing World Feature: Ion Exchange for Metal Finishing
FROM: Water Innovations
Water Innovations offers a complete ion exchange (CIX), featuring:
- An integrated skid-mounted system for handling closed-loop recycling of metal-finishing rinses with pH between 3 & 10 at up to 25-gpm.
- Produces deionized water at a cost of $4/1,000-gallons.
- Kinetico’s patented regeneration valve.
- Counter-current regeneration of packed-resin beds using feed-forward grain-counting.
- A multi-stage feed pump, duplex carbon and bag filters, duplex anion exchangers and a DI water pump to process recirculating through a UV sterilizer to inhibit algae.
- A frame constructed of stainless steel with a polyurethane coating for long-term corrosion protection.
- Goulds e-HM pumps, GF valves, Signet instrumentation, Purolite Resin and SMC pneumatics.